Daruma dolls: just a toy or so much more?

The Daruma dolls are named after Bodhidharma, the Buddhist monk who is traditionally credited for bringing Zen Buddhism to China. The legend says that Bodhidharma was famous among other things for his practice of gazing at walls (the original Zazen.) The legend claims that he sat in meditation for a period 9 years which caused his arms and legs to falls off. The round shape of the Daruma doll is a reflection of that legend. In paintings, Bodhidharma is often depicted as a wide-eyed, profusely bearded person. The same features can be seen on the face of the Daruma dolls too.

Oshogatsu, the Japanese New Year

The New Year, or O-Shogatsu in Japanese is Japan's most important holiday that comes with its own customs and traditions.  Many of these customs have Shinto, Buddhist, or even Feng Shui roots. They are all meant to ensure an auspicious start of the new year and usher health, success, and prosperity into your household.